
Assessment, Conceptualization & Report Writing for Autism Spectrum Disorder Webinar


This two-part workshop will enhance your ability to complete assessments for Participants will learn:

  1. How to take a comprehensive yet flexible approach to assessing for autism (spectrum disorder)
  2. To consider numerous complexities in assessing for autism across age and developmental level such as:
  • Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on developmental outcomes
  • How language and intellectual capabilities play in to differential diagnosis
  • The complexities introduced by mental health issues
  • The value and challenges of self-diagnosis, including the implications of social media influence
  • Weighing evidence from observable behaviour and inner experience
  • Masking and camouflaging
  • Difficulties in obtaining third party reports or observations
  • Obtaining developmental history from older adults


  1. How to approach the possibility of some or all of the assessment being completed virtually (e.g., ethical implications, appropriate referrals, collecting assessment information, limitations and uses, etc.)
  2. Different methodologies for behavioural observation, interaction, and interview (whether clinical or structured) as it relates to DSM-5 criteria
  3. Perspectives on how to integrate data from multiple sources and move beyond test scores in conceptualization and report writing, with samples provided


Presenter information

Dr. Adam McCrimmon

Dr. Adam McCrimmon completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Calgary and his M.A. in Clinical-Developmental Psychology at York University. He then went back home to Calgary to complete his doctorate in School and Applied Child Psychology. A Registered Psychologist in Alberta since 2010, Adam has focused his research and clinical work on the autism spectrum. He currently directs the Autism Spectrum Education, Research, and Training (ASERT) lab at the University of Calgary where he oversees research on autism, and trains students and clinicians in assessment of and intervention for individuals on the spectrum.

Dr. Ryan Matchullis

Dr. Ryan Matchullis is a Registered Psychologist with a Ph.D. in School and Applied Child Psychology earned from the University of Calgary. His graduate research and clinical training focused on serving children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and their families. Following formal training, Dr. Ryan has spent considerable time working in specialized clinical and educational settings, providing intervention, consultation, and assessment to individuals, families, and children with a diverse range of needs. He has been further focused on adapting his practice to serve people from diverse cultures and backgrounds, using virtual modes of practice, and working in partnership with other disciplines to provide integrated care. Dr. Ryan regularly teaches graduate coursework in psychological ethics, cognitive and academic assessment, child development, and neurodevelopmental disorders at the University of Calgary and Ambrose University. He enjoys supervising graduate trainees and provisional psychologists in clinical settings. In addition to working in private practice with Hexagon Psychology. Ryan also works in the Alberta Health Services Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnostic Clinic and the Cumulative Risk Diagnostic Clinic. He lives in Calgary with his wife and daughter, enjoys catching up on Star Wars series, and likes spending time with his two cats: Rorschach and Apollo.